What We Believe
Clergy from the diocese of Montana
Communion & Baptism
Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is at the center of our life together and is celebrated on Sundays. Everyone is welcome at Christ’s Table, no matter what age, race, gender, or denomination.
We strive to be God's hands and feet to do His work here on earth and follow in Jesus' footsteps, listening to His teachings and letting His Spirit take the lead in our lives to help change our world.
Join us in communion with our Lord Jesus Christ as we celebrate this simple meal together.
The church is not a group of people who believe all the same; the chruch is a group of people caught up in the same story, with Jesus at the center.
Rachel Held Evans
Community and Worship
St Andrews' is an all-inclusive congregation and is proud to be an Episcopal Church and part of the larger Episcopal Diocese of Montana.
We enjoy worshiping together and sharing one another's burdens.
We are adaptive to the changes of the modern world and engage in prayerful action to be part of today, not yesterday.
As Episcopalians, we pray together as a community of believers. Our prayers are informed and shaped by the scriptures and our services follow the prayer book of the Episcopal Church: the Book of Common Prayer.
Preparing for Baptism
We believe that God loves you - no exception.
It is not the task of Christianity to provide easy answers to every question, but to make us progressively aware of a mystery. God is not so much the object or our knowledge as the cause of our wonder.
Kallistos Ware